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No, these “super mushroom gummies” won’t make you trip. But their real benefits might blow your mind (or clear it).

May 01 2023 at 9:17 am EDT

I nearly snorted my morning coffee when I saw a TikTok cautioning, “Warning: Only take two of these!🍄” Really? In an age where half the products barely tickle, now I'm supposed to believe these will send me on a magic carpet ride?

But a week later when I stumbled upon a bag of Auri Mushrooms Gummies on my coworker's desk a few days later, I had to ask what’s the deal. She responded with a heartfelt account of her battles with energy dips and days clouded with brain fog.

Apparently, these gummies had been a game-changer for her, uplifting her mood and sharpening her mind. My skepticism turned to interest, but I still wasn't sold.

As someone who's brain is so foggy it should have it’s own fog horn, the promise of clarity was tempting. The constant mental fog, the struggle to remember simple tasks, and the overwhelming fatigue even after a full night's sleep had become my daily reality. It felt like I was constantly trying to tune into a radio frequency, but all I got was static.

Curious and tired of my own daily energy crashes and scatter-brained moments, I looked into it. Then I stumbled upon a super detailed, customer review on their site. It felt like the customer was speaking directly to me. With some hesitation, I clicked 'Order Now'.

So, are they magic you might ask? No, they are “Adaptogenic”

While their ads might make them seem like they've sprung from a mystical realm, their true power is anchored in science and ancient wisdom, not psychedelics. These gummies are meticulously crafted from a potent fusion of esteemed fungi: Reishi, Lion's Mane, and Cordyceps (plus 9 more), all celebrated for their adaptogenic properties.

Reishi, often termed the 'Mushroom of Immortality', is known for its immune-boosting and stress-reducing properties. Lion's Mane, on the other hand, is celebrated for its potential to enhance cognitive function and nerve health. And Cordyceps? It's the energy booster, traditionally used to increase stamina and combat fatigue.

So while they might not be "magic" in a "I’m tripping balls" sense, the blend of adaptogens in Auri Mushroom Gummies offers a kind of everyday magic that supports overall well-being (which in my opinion is WAY BETTERthan their trippy counterpart).

The Magic Behind Auri

While many products use heat, which can degrade the potency of active ingredients, Auri employs a meticulous cold extraction process. This method ensures that the powerful compounds from 12 different mushrooms are preserved in their most potent form.

But it's not just about potency; it's about how our body interacts with these compounds. Traditional capsules and powders often fall short, with only 7%-12% of their content being absorbed by the body. Imagine taking just one bite of an apple and throwing out the rest because it’s not usable. In contrast, Auri gummies have an impressive ±90% absorption efficiency. This means your body gets to utilize almost all of the powerful adaptogens packed into each gummy.

Each bag is a month's supply, with 60 power-packed gummies. For optimal benefits, simply enjoy 2 gummies daily, whenever you fancy, meal or no meal. Consider it your daily dose of mushroom magic, a multi-vitamin reimagined.

Taste Test Time

I've had my fair share of mushroom powders and coffees, and let's be honest, most of them taste like they've been scraped off the bottom of a shoe. So, when I popped the first Auri gummy into my mouth, I braced myself for that all-too-familiar earthy, musty taste.

But to my surprise, it was nothing like that. It was a burst of raspberry delight, a sweet treat that danced on my taste buds. If there was such a thing as a “raspberry heaven,” it just exploded in my mouth. Each gummy was a tiny morsel of joy, making it hard to stick to the recommended dose (I wanted to eat the whole bag!). Who knew super mushrooms could taste this good?

Honestly, I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea of a product that actually does what it says it will because it tasted like candy. But deep down, I wanted it to work. So, with a mix of hope and skepticism, I committed: two gummies a day for 30 days straight.

Here’s What Happened

The first day after trying the gummies, I didn't feel an immediate shift. I thought, "damn, was I just another idiot who bought into the marketing?" But by day 3, something clicked. It wasn't a jolt of energy, but a clear, discernible change in my mental state.

The oppressive cloud of brain fog that had turned my mornings into a sluggish daze began to evaporate. Tasks that once felt like wading through thick mud due to my scattered focus suddenly felt clearer, almost as if a spotlight had illuminated my path. I could concentrate on my work, dive deep into conversations, and even enjoy reading without constantly rereading the same paragraph.

My energy levels remained consistent throughout the day, no more afternoon slumps or desperate reaches for the coffee pot. And the best part? My mood. I felt lighter, happier, and more resilient against stress. It was as if these gummies had fine-tuned my entire system.

I was skeptical that just one product could deliver on so many promises—until I learned how these adaptogenic mushrooms actually work.

So how do these “super mushrooms” work?

Adaptogenic mushrooms, like the ones in Auri's gummies, have a unique ability to help the body adapt to stress. They work by targeting the body's endocrine system, which regulates hormones. When we're stressed, our hormone levels can go haywire, leading to a range of issues from fatigue to mood swings. Adaptogens help balance these hormone levels, bringing the body back to a state of equilibrium.

But it's not just about stress. These mushrooms also support brain health. They promote neurogenesis (the creation of new neurons) and protect against neurodegeneration. This means improved cognitive function, better memory, and sharper focus. It's like giving your brain a gentle, natural boost without the jitters of caffeine or the crash of sugar.

After reading the reviews on the website, it seems like other people have experienced a wide range of benefits; perhaps that’s why they call them “adaptogens

Auri… you’ve turned a skeptic into a customer.

I've always been a skeptic, especially when it comes to health supplements. There's a lot of hype out there, and I've been burned before. But Auri's Mushroom Gummies? They're the real deal. At first, I thought maybe it was a placebo effect. But the consistent energy, the mental clarity, and the improved mood? That's hard to fake. When you break down the cost, it's a small price to pay for such a significant boost in quality of life. I signed up for their monthly subscription so I can get them on autopilot and never run out (plus you save 20%).

For me, these gummies have become more than just another item in my wellness toolkit. They're a daily ritual, a commitment to myself, a little act of self-care that consistently reminds me of the difference between merely existing and truly thriving.

If you're seeking clarity, a boost in mood, and a daily dose of wellness wrapped in delightful flavor, I can't recommend Auri Mushroom Gummies enough. Click here to check them out.

P.S. You’ve been warned… you’ll want to eat the whole bag.

People Can’t Stop Raving About Auri

I feel so good when I take these vitamins! They’ve decreased my need for naps and have made me feel alive and normal again! - Abigail P

I have multiple sclerosis. I have terrible brain fog and fatigue. These have helped immensely with both. - Amanda P

This product boosts my mood, focus, and mental well-being. I noticed the improvements within the first week! The immunity benefits are also extremely important to my overall health and wellness! - Catherine L

As someone who deals with ptsd, anxiety and adhd, I can tell you that this is the first product I've tried that actually helps alleviate all three of these things! The mood boost is amazing. Along with diet and exercise, these are my saving grace! - Julia O.

I take it immediately after I wake up and I don't fall back to sleep and let the day slip away from me. The taste is actually good, I don't know why it would taste like a mixture of mushrooms and fruit. - Meki R

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